Database with two set of tables. How to edit the wp-config.php?

  • Hi, my goal: to start again my blog closed a couple of years ago. I have a Dreamhost account and a full back up of the site, included a sql database. I started a new wordpress site with a one click install specifying the database to refer on. In the database I have two set o tables (wp_vgxzfh and wp_zibnf4). I have no problem to set the wp-config.php file to look up the tables wp_zibnf4. Unfortunately, posts themes and other of my blog are on the other set of tables (wp_vgxzfh) and there is no way to edit the wp-config in order to look up these last set of tables. I have checked the user id (which is different), changed the password (with MD5 format) and indicated the right set of tables in the wp-config. No change in the name of database and host name but I return the classical error in connecting to database. Anyone can help me to have the wp-config file edited to look up the right set of tables? I hope to have been clear enough. Thank you in advance for your support and help.

    Alessandro Fabbri

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